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Vintage & From the Vault

Forget Me Not - size 8

gorgeous chunky ring by artist Jill Schwartz hosts a bevy of textures and colors, as featured in Country Living magazine, 1.25" wide by 1" in height, sits on a Sterling silver band, size 9, only one available in this retired design... WAS $84 NOW on sale...

Cameo Dame - size 8

Created with a wonderful blend of textures and materials, beads, metals and more, gorgeous chunky ring by artist Jill Schwartz hosts a bevy of textures and colors, about 1" in height, sits on a Sterling silver band, size 9, only one available in this retired design... WAS $84 NOW on sale...

Tiny Flower Black - Size 6 - SALE

sweetly carved with loads of detail, medallion measures almost .75", these rings give a nod to retro style glamour, one size adjusts to fit all, available in a bevy of vintage hues, available in sizes 6, 7, and 8 in a palette of vintage-esque colors... Created by artist Carmia Visick of Hotcakes... WAS $36, NOW on SALE...

Tiny Rose Butterscotch - Size 7 - SALE

sweetly carved with loads of detail, medallion measures almost .75", these rings give a nod to retro style glamour, one size adjusts to fit all, available in a bevy of vintage hues, available in sizes 6, 7, and 8 in a palette of vintage-esque colors... Created by artist Carmia Visick of Hotcakes...WAS $36, NOW on SALE...

Tiny Rose Coral - Size 6 - SALE

sweetly carved with loads of detail, medallion measures almost .75", these rings give a nod to retro style glamour, one size adjusts to fit all, available in a bevy of vintage hues, available in sizes 6, 7, and 8 in a palette of vintage-esque colors... Created by artist Carmia Visick of Hotcakes... WAS $36, NOW on SALE...