...she is a charming one of a kind elepjant by master teddy bear maker Ingrid Schmid of Bears N Co. Hand dyed and distressed mohair she mesuared 7" and is laden with charming detials.. dressed in silks and antique finery, quite special with a darling expression
...one of a kind bear by Ingrid Schmid of Bears N Co.... just under 6" and wearing his finest coattails... dressed in silks and all manner of antique finery. His lace cravet is festooned with an antique bar pin, he wears a tiny leather satchen and an antique key. Exquisitely created in aged mohair, jointed, and lovingly detailed
Oh my! What an incredible teddy girl -- so lovely with her fine linen with vintage flourishes and lush and dainty details - created by artist Ingrid Schmid about 7.5”, jointed, made from aged mohair, wearing a fine frock and helmet (removable)... #4 in an edition of 5 (her companions are available separately)
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