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Lafayette Print Set - SALE

color print set of two 5-7s on archival paper w keepsake envelopes and cello bag, signed charming with lovely detail and artful flourishes...by Julie Whitmore. WAS $58 NOW on SALE...
Availability: 1 available
Artist: Julie Whitmore
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Funny Bunny Flight - SALE

color print on archival paper in glass capture frame, signed. Overall size, 8x10.. charming with lovely detail and artful flourishes...by Julie Whitmore. WAS $78, NOW on SALE...

Tea Lovers Vase - art vase by Julie Whitmore

wonderful! slip dipped and decorated with lush Faience painting... and applied decoration - a truly charing piece... formed from slab pottery with embossed scallopped edge, fruit transfers. primitively formed and lush in details, made by renown California artist, Julie Whitmore. Her work is recognized for its highly textured, naive form… a rustic folk art piece… one of a kind of course about 7." tall and 4" across 
