SWEET! Use code HEART15 for 15% OFF ...and Happy Valentine's Day!

Dolly PICNIC PlayDate - Sept. 27, 2025 - KENTUCKY

-- more info coming soon!

Bring a picnic blanket and your dolls, teds, Blythe, and toys to show and share with fellow dolly peeps.  Wonderland of Play encourages collectors of doll, toys, teddies, and BLYTHE to celebrate their collections through PLAY. Join us to share lunchtime and chat with us about your collections and our dolly adventures.

Hosted by visiting members of NY Blythe Meets and TEAM NY Wonderland of Play - Diane Sammarco, Rosanne Migliorino, Tim Purk, Christie Jones Ray, and Jen O'Connor

More info on Folk.com or email  Jen@EarthAngelsStudios.com

