with lovely details and artful faience painting, slip dipped and hand molded, made by renown California artist, Julie Whitmore. Her work is recognized for its highly textured, naive form… a rare and wonderful offering -- one of her much sought after hanging pottery ornaments,
A totally darling girl -- from the 2022 Junior collection of talented artist Nicole Marschollek-Menzner of Zwergnase Dolls, she stands 50cm or 19.5" and is in the NM-Original vinyl color. A vinyl body and lush wig is Kanekalonwig -- the best quality synthetic fibers from Japan. Lovingly hand-painted face, wearing a wonderful color coordinated and festive ensemble with real leather shoes and well tailored details. Made in Germany....signed hang tag and emblem branded canvas toggle bag - She will be ordered for you so there will be a delay in shipping
a charming piece, slip dipped and decorated with lush Faience painting... -- Shaped from slab slip dipped and decorated with lush Faience painting... so sweet...made by renown California artist, Julie Whitmore. Her work is recognized for its highly textured, naive form… a rustic folk art piece… one of a kind of course approx 7"
Exceptional... and large... beautiful in use or display... 12" in diameter. Wheel thrown redware art pottery, slip dipped and decorated with lush Faience painting... made by renown California artist, Julie Whitmore. Her work is recognized for its highly textured, naive form… a rustic folk art piece… one of a kind of course WAS $168, NOW on SALE
a rare and wonderful find, one of her much sought after hanging pottery ornaments, hand molded and painted, ooak by artist Julie Whimore
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